Spring Cleaning

The snow is melting, the days are getting longer, and finally spring is just a few weeks away (can I get a whoohoooo?). We are all tired of our long, dark Canadian winter, and I'm sure our houses are sick of us and the mess that we bring. Spring cleaning is a tradition that allows us to freshen up our homes and get ahead of the hectic spring and summer season. It can feel like a big task, but it doesn't have to be by following these tips to get you motivated.

1. Clean Room by Room

Make cleaning lists for each room of your house. This will help you get organized and remind you of the areas that require extra attention. You can skip the areas that have been recently cleaned and focus on those areas that have been neglected such as walls, appliances and windows. Check out this cleaning checklist by Mollymaid for a little inspiration Molly-Maid_SpringCleaningChecklist (mollymaid.com).

2. Organize

Studies show that an organized home adds to your stress level. Since we are all spending more time at home and in our home offices, it is now more important than ever to keep an organized and clutter free home. One of the biggest parts of spring cleaning is getting rid of clutter, which involves closets, toy rooms and the dreaded junk drawer. Sort your items into categories including give away, sell, store, donate, or keep. Once you have decided what to get rid of go to your closest donation center or get things ready for a garage sale. Have  the whole family lend a hand and allow the kids to keep the cash if they are able to sell any of their forgotten toys.

3. Give the Interior of Your Home Some Serious TLC

- Empty all items from your fridge and give a thorough scrub. Look at expiration dates before putting items back. Guaranteed you won't remember when you bought a lot of the things living in there!
- Move big items and furniture and sweep and mop underneath. Don't be surprised if you think you have a new pet that has been living under your fridge with the hairball you discover-it happens to the best of us!
- Clean inside windows.
- Clean blinds and launder/dry clean drapes and curtains.
- Clean upholstery & carpets but be mindful of cleaning instructions or hire a professional for the job.

 4. Tackle the Seasonal Chores

Many outdoor chores can't be done during our winters. Use this time to shine up the BBQ, wash outsides of windows and power wash the siding. Store away extra shoe mats and heavy throws and bring in some fresh airy decor.

5. Think Green

Starting spring off should not mean exposing yourself to harmful chemicals or irritants. A steam cleaner is a great product for spring cleaning as it is 100% natural and chemical free. They can be used to clean appliances, bathrooms, and tile & hardwood flooring. If you don't have a steam cleaner the best natural combinations that have been around for ages are distilled white vinegar, baking soda and water. These ingredients are non-toxic, affordable, and always available.

6. Don't Forget the Air

Don't forget to change your furnace and HVAC filters. Replacing filters will keep you healthier as we enter spring and is an inexpensive way to ensure we are breathing healthy air when indoors.

7. Don't Try to do it All at Once

A thorough spring clean covering the whole house is a great way to establish ongoing cleaning habits. Don't try to tackle all of your spring cleaning in just a day or a weekend, take care of your items on your list for just 15 minutes each day. 

Spring cleaning is a great way to get your house sale ready if you are thinking of listing your home this spring. Reach out if you want more information on our Real Estate Market or if you would like to know what your home is worth. 

Happy Cleaning and Happy Spring!